As global biotechnology consultants, Biotech Resources Group (BRG) helps you become the best biotech manufacturer.
Challenge: Biopharma companies frequently encounter opportunities for growth/expansion as well as persistent GMP/QMS problems - Often both at the same time!
As uniquely qualified commercial GMP consultants, we understand how stressful these challenges and opportunities can be.
Given this, biotech companies (MNCs, NewCos, JV's, Academia) continually pivot to BRG to solve problems that really matter.
Which GMP Challenges/Opps do you have?
-Dysfunctional BioManufacturing Capacity
-Insufficient GMP Capacity
-Inadequate Technical/Ops Presence
-Inferior QMS Stewardship
-Inadequate FTE to Keep Pace w/Programs
-Customer Attrition, Revenue Loss
Doing nothing: NOT AN OPTION
Severe Consequences? Many. (pdf)
✶ Derisk: Tox ➧ IND ➧ Clinical GMP Journey
✶ Derisk: Clinical ➧ Commercial GMP Path
✶ Derisk: Commercial ➧ Expansion GMP Path
✶ Derisk: Hiring, Training, Retention Plan
✶ Remedy/Fix an Underperforming GMP asset
✶ Build a new GMP Facility, Campus
✶ Find, Qualify, and PM a great CDMO (DS/DP)
✶ Switch CDMO's as a BioSecure Act Hedge
✶ Attract, Hire, Train, and Retain top talent
a. What are your top-3 GMP Challenges?
b. What are your Desired Outcomes?
c. Write answers in the Contact Form Box
Once the Challenge/Opportunity is identified and characterized in STEP-1, we'll build that bridge that gets you, your team, and network into a more robust GMP/Operational position.
Aptly named, BRIDGEONE is our GMP solution platform. Let's build and cross that bridge! See our services below. 4 key pillars:
- I. GMP SITE / FACILITYGMP Site Selection, Incentives EPCMV Qualification, PM Design Support: CD, BD, DD Reviews: P&ID, Layout, Process Time-Motion / Facility Output Procure: Fab, FAT, Install, SAT Transition to GMP, Checklist BRG Service Details (PDF) GMP Project Phases (PDF) GMP Report Review (CD, BD)II. OPS, AUDIT, QMSIII. ATTRACT, HIRE, TRAINIV. ADMINISTRATIVETrademark Prep, Registration Business Development, Outreach Pitch-Deck Framework Avatar Video Prep Master Hiring Plan Creation Finance: Valuation, FCF, Pitch Acquisition Due-Diligence
BRG provides the operational and technical depth expected of larger consulting firms. We do this while maintaining a flexible, fast-paced, client-first culture that our clients value and prefer.
Leveraging BRIDGEONE's framework and uniting rigor, compliance, and simplicity, BRG will guide you to the finish line:
☑ Benchmarking Current Performance
☑ Simplify the Problem/Opportunity
☑ Create the Plan/Solution Roadmap
☑ Guidance along Roadmap: Execution
☑ Cross the Finish Line & Celebrate!
☑ Take new learning and do more!
Crossing the BRIDGE, the PRIZE 🏆︎awaits:
✶ Victory! For you, patients, community
✶ Improved GMP Performance / Capacity
✶ Restored Customer Confidence/Trust
✶ Held in high-regard by industry peers
✶ Out-Compete and Leap Rivals, Expand
✶ Attract, Hire, Retain Top Talent
✶ Remain Agile, Keep pace w/ Programs